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Англо-украинский юридический словарь - attempted


Перевод с английского языка attempted на украинский


який кваліфікується як замах (на щось); який є спробою (зробити щось)

attempted commission of a crime — = attempted commission of a offence, attempted commission of a offense спроба вчинення злочину

attempted commission of a offence — = attempted commission of a crime

attempted commission of a offense — = attempted commission of a crime

attempted escape from captivity — замах на втечу з полону

attempted actattempted bank robberyattempted briberyattempted commissionattempted contract killingattempted coupattempted crimeattempted escapeattempted hold-upattempted homicideattempted murderattempted offenceattempted offenseattempted rapeattempted state coupattempted suicide

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